K-1 World Grand Prix, also known as the K-1 World GP, is an elimination kickboxing tournament that has been held annually since 1993 by the K-1 organization. Each year, K-1 holds various 16-men, 8-match grand prix style tournaments throughout the world to determine which 16 fighters will compete in the K-1 World GP. This tournament has had seven different winners with Ernesto Hoost and Semmy Schilt each winning four times.
Kickboxing is a group of martial arts and stand-up combat sports based on kicking and punching, historically developed from Karate, Muay Thai and Western boxing. Kickboxing is often practiced for self-defense, general fitness, or as a contact sport.
Fighting Illusion: K-1 Grand Prix '99 is the sequel to Fighting Illusion: K-1 Grand Prix '98 (this version of the game wasn't released outside Japan) and features 40 fighters.
Game modes:
- K1 Dream: Fight in a tournament againts other computer opponents. This mode wasn't in previous version of the game. Winning the tournament makes you the K1 champion.
- K-1 Kings: Sort of an arcade mode, choose a fighter and fight against the computer.
- K-1 Hercules: Vs mode, choose a fighter and fight against another human player.
- K-1 Grand Prix: The tournament mode, choose a fighter and fight against computer or human players to become the champion.
- Training: Train the movements of your fighter
- Ring Side: Choose 2 fighters and watch a computer fight
- K-1 Bible: Unlockable database.
Manufacturer's description:
Introducing numerous popular athletes. What number of players topped 40 people. · Achieve a gorgeous movie with live-action footage rich. Fully reproduce the structure and the screen broadcasting TV. Other players to ring entrance and design, pursuing reality thoroughly. • Set the three days before the opening game of, "K-1 Grand Prix" is said sale time K-1 fan is the most exciting. Demand is expected in the finals again in December after the war season.
- Third person perspective
- 3D graphics
- K1 Grand Prix theme.