The Hebereke series is a video game franchise developed by Japanese company Sunsoft which first began the series on 20 September 1991 with the game titled Hebereke for the Nintendo Famicom, and in 1992 released on the Nintendo Entertainment System only in the UK and Australia under the moniker Ufouria: The Saga altering many of the characters in the process. 'Hebereke' is one of the characters and the Japanese name is colloquial and roughly translates to 'drunk' or 'untrustworthy'.
Four friends each of a different species, Hebereke a penguin, Oh-Chan a cat, Sukezaemon a ghost and Jennifer a frog, live in a world named Ufouria because it is home to only four different creatures.
Manufacturer's description:
A puzzle game with optional character vs mode.
Woooow. Wheee! The ultimate puzzle game, starring the eight unique Hebereke characters!. Enjoy three different game modes - 1P Popoitto mode, 2P Popoiito mode, or two player Popoon mode.
- First person perspective.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Fantasy theme.