Official Title  Kouashi Kikou Shidan - Bein Panzer
Common Title  Kouashi Kikou Shidan - Bein Panzer
Serial Number(s)  SCPS-10137
Region  NTSC-J
Genre / Style  Strategy 

Developer  Sony.
Publisher  Sony.
Date Released  12 October 2000
Disc Number &
Printed Serial Number

Serial Number In Disc SCPS-10137
Media Disc ID N / A
Number Of Tracks 1
( 1 Data Track )
Approx. Image Size
( Image Format Used )
648 MB
( .bin / .cue )
Approx.Size On Disc 564 MB
Approx. Archive Size
( Archive Type Used )
413 MB
( 1 RAR File with
2% Recovery )
Barcode Number(s)
( UPC / EAN )

From the back cover.
  •  4948872101370  - 


Menus and gameplay are in Japanese.

Joining the strangely growing ranks of Sony's curious first-party release lineup for the PlayStation in Japan is Bein Panzer, a 3D strategy throwback to some of the oldest concepts in tabletop wargaming. Set in an alternate world, it appears to be the creation of some die-hard tank otaku, let loose to create his own unusual armor designs. It's a sort of Space: 1889 vision of World War II, with extra-mobile walking tanks and tilt-rotor aircraft that look like they were designed round about 50 years ago, and powers controlling the inner solar system with a strong visual resemblance to nations like Churchill's England and the Grand Duchy of Zeon. Hey, if it works for them...

The alternate history du jour resembles Konami's Ring of Red just a little bit, if you take its idea and rewind it thirty years or so. Space colonization seems to have preceded the rise of dictatorships in Europe, and so we have multinational warfare between the Earth, the Moon and Mars, fought by tanks with leg-like treads and planes that combine the fuselages of Spitfires, Mustangs, or Messerschmidts with enclosed tilting props that enable vertical takeoff and landing. The tanks, incidentally, are the title characters - "Bein Panzer" means something like "Legged Tank" in German. These weapons descend out of orbital dropships onto the battlefield via something called an "orbital elevator", which can be used to quickly move them about in a pinch.

In the gameplay Kouashi Kikou Shidan: Bein Panzer is the classic strategy game in which the player controls several units that got a limited range of movement. The game is divided into different missions.

  Manufacturer's description:

Motif of World War II, fighting in earnest Uoshimyureshon advancing earth to the moon and Mars as well. Part and issue an order as a leader with strategic analysis of the three situations of the entire planet Earth Moon, Mars, Part 2 of the battle to fight out the battle Yunito tell when each strategy at the collision with the enemy parts are configured.

  • Third person perspective.
  • 3D graphics
  • Cartoon graphics
  • World War II & SCI-FI themes.
Number Of Players  1 Player
Number Of Memory Card Blocks  10 Blocks
Compatible Controllers Tested
( Official Gamepads Only )
 Standard Controller / Analog Controller ( Dual Shock Controller compatible )
Compatible Light Guns
( Official Light Guns Only )
Other Compatible Controllers
( Official Controllers Only )
Special Controllers Included Or
Supported ( Official Only )
Vibration Function Compatible  Yes
Multi-Tap Function Compatible  No
Link Cable Function Compatibile  No
Emulator  ePSXe v.1.7.0
Video Plugin  Pete's OpenGL Driver v2.9 ( internal X & Internal Y= Very High, Stretching mode: Stretch to full window size, render Mode: 2 (Use framebuffer object) text filt = 2 FPS limit= 63, Compatibility=1,3,2; Shader effects= 1 (Fullscreen smoothin))
Audio Plugin  ePSXe SPU Core v.1.7.0
CD-ROM Plugin  ePSXe Cdrom plugin
Game Pad Plugin  N / A
Vibration Compatible  Yes.
Console Bios Used  SCPH7502

  NOTE:   This is not the only possible combination of plugins. There are others that will work (better or worse) for your particular hardware. We provide you with one working set-up so that you may get the game up and running, hassle-free. Testing other emulators/plugins is up to you.

  Move cursor:  D-Pad
  Cancel action / Menu:  X Button
  Select action:  Circle Button
  Overview Map:  Square Button
  Display map:  Triangle Button
  Rotate camera left or right:  L1 or R1 Button
  Skip sequence:  Start Button

 - Jewel Case Covers
Dim. - 500 x 443 pix.
Res. - 300 dpi
File Size - 75 KB
Dim. - 500 x 443 pix.
Res. - 300 dpi
File Size - 101 KB
 - Disc Cover


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