Tristia of the Deep-Blue Sea (Aoi Umi Tristia - Nanoca Flanka Hatsumei Koubouki) is a PS2 and PC game, developed by Kogado Studio. This game is part of the Deep-Blue series along with the sequel, Neosphere of the Deep-Blue Sky and Akatsuki no Amaneka to Aoi Kyojin. The story has been adapted into an OVA, and has been released in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, U.S.A., Russia, and Poland. For the 10th anniversary celebration, this game was re-released in PSP format in August 2012.
The island of Tristia was once an important port city for maritime trade. A veritable jewel of the ocean where merchants, sailors and travelers flocked to for its booming commerce. That was before the dragons attacked and destroyed the city. Although the citizens have worked hard to rebuild, setbacks occurred which plunged Tristia deeper into despair.
In an emergency plea for help, the people of Tristia send an urgent communiqué to the legendary inventor Prospero Flanka for his aid in reviving the fortunes of the city. The Tristians wait for Prospero anxiously but when the fateful day arrives, it is not he who appears but his 14 year-old grand daughter Nanoka, a highly skilled inventor in her own right.
Spur the redevelopment of Tristia and reverse the decline of once powerful city. In concert with a golem named Tenzan that she created, Nanoka retrieves parts and ingredients to create new items for sale that may empower the commerce and financial resiliency of Tristia.
Streets in the city of Tristia grow and change depending on how Nanoka researches, invents, and produces items during the course of the game. Once an item is marketable, Nanoka may sell it to a shop which will then widen the streets of Tristia as income rolls in and improvements are made. Nanoka is not the only inventor in town and rivals such as Panavia Tornado, and Faury Carat (yes, they're named after fighter jets) also compete for acclaim and rewards.
The golems in Tristia bear no resemblance to the clay creature crafted by Rabbi Judah Loew but are metal mecha which do their master's bidding and are also used for battle in competitions. When Nanoka is in the workshop, her pup may be lying nearby while the oven pipes out bits of steam when baking her next big invention. Nanoka's golem will stand in the corner, waiting at her beck and call. When traveling, the town is viewed from an overhead isometric view where scores of bustling citizens walk around frantically (like the customers in the PDA game Lemonade or perhaps an army of ants desperate to go somewhere...anywhere) while Nanoka may choose where she wants to go by using a ruby colored pointer to designate which building to enter. The foot traffic at the outset of the game is light but as Nanoka produces more products, more people rush through the streets as the city gradually returns to its former glory.
Conversations with fellow travellers and merchants take place on a single screen where Nanoka's dialogue is shown on the upper portion and the merchant is shown on the bottom. Full voice acting is used for the characters in the game and even Nanoka's dog speaks his mind with a deep male voice.
Aoi Sora no Neosphere - Nanoca Flanka Hatsumei Koubouki 2: A sequel of Tristia of the Deep-Blue Sea from Kogado Studio (Kumasan Team). Set in the Neosphere kingdom that fly in the air by ancient E technology. Neosphere kept going to ruin after world union war. And then, Nanoca was called to rebuild the kingdom.
The Limited Edition comes in a box that features the game, an illutrations book and a bonus CD.
Elincie Yerthrop
Fairey Hierfly
Nanoca Flanka
Nene Hampden
Noki Welkin
Novice Kobo-shi "Nanoka" is the second installment hero of adventure games. In porting work from the PC, and added a number of new characters and events. Research the items in the workshop to collect material in the city, repeating the invention, the appearance of the city changed by the item that touted, it will be to the ongoing development of the sky city. The attempt to revive town touting the Don Don item!
- First & Third person perspectives.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Medieval Fantasy theme.