Combat Choro Q is is really different from the rest of the Choro Q series (in which you drive a car) 'cause in this game the player has to choose between different tanks and drive it across different missions shooting everything that comes in his way.
Q-Stein began the invasion of the Empire and he wins 8% of the territory!. The Kingdom starts a counter attack. Now is your chance to fight to recover the territories.
There are different kind of tanks and different kinds of missions: urban warfare, desert warfare, infiltration, and in addition to a variety of missions including air combat & the straight fight with the big boss!. In the towns the player can gather information and also buy items and other weapons.
Combat Choro Q reproduce the level of detail of most of the more important tanks of the most important countries of the world. There is also a museum in where the player can see each tank with their data and informations.
Manufacturer's description:
Based on the original tank can make vehicle modifications! Speaking of the six still Choro Q. You can make your own tank by making full use of more than 100 kinds of parts of the power system, armor, and weapons. Emerged as enemy tanks, more than 100 tanks of all ages appeared! You can also enjoy feeling if you look at the description of the Q tank army. Because up to four people can play simultaneously, depending on matchup with the 200% level of excitement tanks.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Futuristic, War & Tanks themes.