Love Hina is an anime and manga series authored by Ken Akamatsu. The story takes place in the Kanagawa Prefecture, and centers on 19-year old Keitaro Urashima, a young man desperately trying to be accepted into the prestigious Tokyo University in order to fulfill a childhood promise he made with a girl he now regards as the girl of his life. His obsessive pursuit of this dream is one of the few shining spots of optimism in his otherwise unlucky life. He becomes manager of the Hinata House (???, Hinata So-?, also known as Hinata Apartments), property of his family and now an all-girls' dormitory.
After much tribulation, he wins their respect and eventual affection. From the beginning of the series, he suffers physical damage and abuse, which continues and increases as the series goes on. (In the anime the girls are openly shown being less hostile towards Keitaro, many fans have seen this as a weakness, saying that because of this the emotional scenes – particularly those between Keitaro and Naru – don't stand out as much as they do in the manga.)
Keitaro's primary (and usually exclusive) interest is in Naru Narusegawa, though all the other girls have different sorts of affections for him (including close friend, a playmate, and non-threatening crush object). Keitaro and Naru's relationship is complicated by several girls falling for him, or girls Keitaro promised a future relationship with while he was younger.
The first Love Hine game on Playstation: The game features a lot of mini games but it needs a Pocketstation to be played. The goal of the game is to get Naru to fall in love with Keitaro.
Manufacturer's description:
The most popular manga and anime Love Hina [PocketStation ?using the" language "and enjoy the game while collecting. The collection of "word" has 500 varieties, more than 150 the number of recorded events. Nearby Scenic Urashima Taro hero "Hinata" fun events and five girls living in it will make many memories.
- First person perspective.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Dating, Humour & Anime themes.