You're Under Arrest (Taiho Shichauzo) is the title of a manga and anime franchise created by Kosuke Fujishima, famous for his later series, Oh My Goddess!.
The story revolves around the adventures of Natsumi Tsujimoto and Miyuki Kobayakawa, two female members of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, stationed at the fictional Bokuto Police Precinct located at Sumida-ku, Tokyo. The series is largely episodic, and much of it focuses on the interaction between the main characters and the humorous supporting cast.
The Playstation game is a first person perspective adventure game in which you can decide where to assign the different police teams to patrol in a specific area of the city, depends of the time and place different situations can happen and some mini games can be played. If the player wins the mini game the team stats will increase.
Manufacturer's description:
The popular manga comics, etc. OVA · CD · TV · "You're Under Arrest", and as for PlayStation "firsts" What game? Players will be original characters and game version Arisugawa R., a member of the Eastern Department of ink, the challenge to solve the case with Natsumi and Miyuki familiar. Progress of the game "Adventure mode" and "patrol mode" divided by its actions and choices, will change the story and the events occurred.
Players hero "R. Arisugawa", and to act together as members of the police Natsumi and Miyuki Bokuto.
Natsumi and Miyuki to patrol the "patrol mode". Way may cause events and mini-games.
What the police and Bokuto, do talk with fellow "Adventure Mode". You can change this time by the action of the story.
- First person perspective
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Policemen, Humour & Anime themes.