T Kara Hajimaru Monogatari is an action adventure game developed by Jaleco in 1998, in the game the player takes the role of a young skater boy (which name is unknow since the player can put the name that he wants to) that one day he arrives at home and received in email in his computer to create a graffitti using these 4 words: Trap, trick, trip, truth.
As soon as he finished the graffiti he listened his mother shouting in the lower floor, so he run there and find that she's trapped in a vortex, he tried to save her but he fails, he tried to used his computer again and he also is send to another world, as soon as he awakes there a young girl appeared and with her help he will try to save his mother and return home.
The gameplay is about fighting different enemies that appears in the stage, activate platforms and switches to reach different places of the world, talking to characters, etc.
Manufacturer's description:
Encounter and fight" 3D action adventure that was "good and evil" and "truth" to the theme. The drawn fantasy world on stage in 3D graphics, trying to experience the epic story by solving various mysteries. Crowded elements such as planting flowers to get the weapons and magic "flower cultivation system" and the mini-games skateboard games also has been enhanced.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Fanasy theme.