Yacht racing is the sport of competitive sailing. There is a broad variety of kinds of races and sailboats used for racing. Much racing is done around buoys or similar marks in protected waters, while some longer offshore races cross open water. All kinds of boats are used for racing, including small dinghies, catamarans, boats designed primarily for cruising, and purpose-built raceboats. The Racing Rules of Sailing govern the conduct of yacht racing, windsurfing, kitesurfing, model boat racing, dinghy racing and virtually any other form of racing around a course with more than one vessel while powered by the wind.
Harbour or buoy races are conducted in protected waters, and are quite short, usually taking anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. All sorts of sailing craft are used for these races, including keelboats of all sizes, as well as dinghies, trailer sailers, catamarans, skiffs, sailboards, and other small craft.
Inshore racing is yacht racing not in protected waters but along and generally within sight of land or from land to nearby islands, as distinct from offshore racing across open water and oceans. The duration of races maybe daylight only, overnight or passage races of several days.
Offshore yacht races are held over long distances and in open water; such races usually last for at least a number of hours. The longest offshore races involve a circumnavigation of the world.
Yatch Racing Game 1999 is a game based on the Yatch racing sports the game uses a 3d engine for the graphics parts and the player can control all the aspect of the yatch. The game features different yatchs, teams (like Nippon Challenge or Miami Yatch team) and nationalities. The player can customize all the yatch parts, choose his crew, before entering the race.
The game features 2 game modes: Championship mode and course mode.
Manufacturer's description:
Yacht racing game where you can enjoy a full-scale bargaining with boats and competitors read the wind. I fight the one-to-one match race skipper of the yacht become. Are reproduced faithfully in the graphics realistic Sale Fluttering cut through the waves, the motion of the yacht full of force. Against the racing teams selected from around the world, will win the Championship Series.
- Third person perspective
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Yach racing theme.