All Aceplanes -
Left, Right, Left, Right, Down, Up, Down, Up, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle
999,999,000 Credits -
At CD loading menu hit Down, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, then Circle + Triangle
Extra Wingmen -
Hold the R1 button and press Start 10 times, at the tenth press, hold Start until it's finished loading
Unlock Sub Game -
Enable Cheat Mode and then enter the following code as the game loads Up - Left - Down - Right
Joker Command -
D0093E14 0000
No damage -
800EEA60 00C8
Infinite Fuel -
300EEB34 8FFF
Infinite Guns -
800EEB44 0027
Infinite Missiles -
D00EEB40 0040 800EEB40 0041