In the magical world of Adibou, the usually peaceful Kicook has been kidnapped by a mysterious dark green ... Plunge to its continuation and assistance Adibou to issue his friend the robot cook! Attach your belt circuits conduct, open your eyes to solve riddles ... Adibou and Kicook needs you!
Explore 5 universe while you command 5 vehicles!
Avoid the obstacles to progress in the adventure, grabs bonuses to score points and discovers the different environments of nature decorations dream.
Test your reflexes in arcade games!
Have fun with the brick-buster, Adibou aid to cross the river or Plop to climb the mountain, avoids anglerfish in the labyrinth submarine ...
Solve puzzles and riddles...
Look well around you throughout the adventure because you will need to look for clues to the mysteries of the fauna and flora.
- A true balance between games of reflexes and thinking games for 4-7 years.
- 5 vehicles drive: car, helicopter, side-car, boat and submarine.
- Explore 5 natural environments: forest, mountain, country, sea and mondesous submarine.
- 36 funny characters help your child grow.
- 10 funny songs on small dangers of daily life.
- Adapted to 4-7 years.
- An increase varied alternating games and discovery activities.
- 3 difficulty levels to play and improve his score to infinity rewards.
Manufacturer's description:
Adibou, the favorite pet of kids of 4-7 years, join your child's activities in stimulation and learning.
For the first time, become the hero of an extraordinary adventure with Adibou! Go to follow the Green Man and help Adibou to rescue his friend Kicook ...
- Third person perspective.
- 2D & 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Educational & Fantasy themes.