Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare is the fourth entry in the Alone in the Dark series, continuing the story set up by the previous installments. Charles Fisk has gone missing on Shadow Island and is presumed dead. His good friend, private investigator Edward Carnby, has chartered a plane to Shadow Island to investigate the disappearance of his friend and discover what the island's owner, Obed Morton, is planning. Ailene Cedrac, an ethnology Professor at Boston University, also has an interest in the island -- she believes that her long lost father is located there. Driven by intrigue as well as a desire for closure, both Cedrac and Carnby fly to the island on Halloween night.
Players venture through this horror-themed game with polygonal characters in 3D pre-rendered backgrounds similar to the Resident Evil games. Weapons such as pistols, shotguns and knives are used to battle the shadow-like demons on the island. In addition to survival tactics and defensive play, gamers also solve a series of puzzles in order to progress through the various mansion, laboratory and underground levels. There are two different versions of the game, one being from Carnby's perspective and the other from Cedrac's.
The original Alone in the Dark is often considered the pioneer of the "Survival Horror" genre, inspiring games such as Resident Evil series and countless other games of the same type.
Manufacturer's description:
Edward Carnby and Aline Cedreac are about to face their worst nightmare. Out to avenge the murder of their friend, Carby and Aline arrive on Shadow Island and discover that it is caught in the grip of an evil force. It's up to them to reclaim 3 ancient tablets before the ultimate terror is unleashed.
It's what... you fear...
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Mystery & Horror themes.