Despite the cartoon-inspired appearance of its fighters, Agetec's Boxing is a simulation boxing title similar in style to EA Sports' Knockout Kings. The game features a total of 12 different fighters, and various modes including Ranking, Scout, Vs., Note, and Record.
In Ranking mode, the game allows players to fight their way to the championship match in three weight classes on four different levels of difficulty. At the game's onset, three of the fighters are available, while the rest of the fighters can be unlocked by defeating them in the game mode titled Scout.
Once unlocked, these fighters become available in Ranking and the game's two-player mode, Vs. In Note mode, gamers can learn how to perform moves with each of the game's characters, while in Record mode gamers can view their records and titles for both one-player and two-player matches.
To reach new weight classes and difficulty levels, players must attain a certain number of points to advance. The game's weight classes are lightweight, middleweight and heavyweight. Each weight class can be played on a local, national, world or ? level.
Play as a lightweight, middleweight, or heavyweight
Includes 12 characters, each with their own special move
Go for the championship, challenge a friend in exhibition mode or unlock characters in 1-on-1 bouts against the computer
Manufacturer's description:
We'll Show You The Ropes
Learn the fine art of pugilism (without taking lumps).
Master the Special Attack Skill for each boxer.
Play as a lightweight, Middleweight, or Heavyweight contender.
Build your boxer up so he can take his shot at the Championship Title!
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Boxing theme.