A Bug's Life (stylized a bug's life) is a 1998 American computer-animated comedy adventure film produced by Pixar Animation Studios. Directed by John Lasseter and co-directed by Andrew Stanton, the film involves a misfit ant, Flik, who is looking for "tough warriors" to save his colony from greedy grasshoppers. Flik recruits a group of bugs that turn out to be an inept circus troupe.
Disney's Pixar - A Bug's Life - Activity Center is one of the activity centers from Disney, in the game the kids have a great time exploring ant island and playing games with Flik, Dot and Francis. The kids can make their own puppet show by making puppets, scenes and choosing dialogue and take bug pictures to learn about different types of bugs.
There is also a fun board game to play on the computer or print and play with friends away from the computer. This activity center is packed with fun and full of the zany bugs from the hit Disney movie, A Bug's Life.
Manufacturer's description:
Laugh and play through the fun-filled world of A Bug's Life! In this exciting Activity Centre from Disney you can take part in loads of fun activities, puzzles and games as well as learn fascinating facts about bugs - all from a bug's point of view!
- First person perspective
- 2D Graphics
- Cartoon Graphics
- Fantasy theme.