Disney's Atlantis is an action platformer based on the 2001 animated movie. As in the movie, the game tells the tale of a group of heroic adventurers that brave treacherous ocean waters and caves to locate the lost city of Atlantis. You'll have to use both cunning and strength to achieve your goals, utilizing teamwork to make your way deeper into the great, lost city.
The game stars Milo, a young, eager hero, and his rag-tag group of explorer pals -- the stern Captain Rourke, the formidable Helga, and the mulish Moliore. Players will control each of these characters over the course of the game, each with his or her own distinct power that must be used to get across, around, or through obstacles blocking their path.
There are 12 different levels of platform gaming, where you'll have to solve puzzles and fight a host of enemies straight out of the movie. You will also have the chance to pilot four different vehicles featured in the film, ranging from an underground tunneler to a submarine. Disney's Atlantis features animated sequences straight from the movie, and more scenes can be unlocked as you travel through the game and locate hidden objects scattered throughout levels.
Control each of the six characters at different stages of the game, using his or her individual skills and unique abilities to solve puzzles as you forge through the adventure. The game is composed of 12 huge levels, including many locales taken directly from the movie, as well as some additional environments designed specifically for the game.
- Action-platform adventure game
- Based on the Disney animated feature film
- Play as 6 different characters and perform specialized tasks
- 12 huge levels, including many locales taken directly from the movie
- For 1 player
Manufacturer's description:
Driven by the legend of Atlantis, join Milo Thatch as he leads a team of experts to unlock the secrets of The Lost Empire. Journey to uncharted depths, far below the ocean surface where hidden dangers swim, lurk and spy from every nook and cranny. What you encounter next will change things forever...
- Third person perspective
- 3D Graphics
- Cartoon Graphics
- Fantasy & Cartoon themes.