Unlock Bikes -
Enter this code at bike select screen in Pro Quest Mode: Left, Left, Left, Up, Down, Right, Right, Right, Circle
Unlock Levels: Enter this code at the level select screen in Pro Quest Mode -
Left, Right, Left, Right, Up, Up, Up, Circle
Unlock Styles: Enter this code at the style select screen in Pro Quest Mode -
Left, Left, Up, Right, Right, Down, Left, Right, Circle
Unlock Characters: Enter these codes at the character select in Pro Quest Mode -
'80's Guy -
Left, Up, Up, Right, Up, Up, Left, Right, Circle
Amish Boy -
Down, Down, Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Left, Circle
Lunch Lady -
Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Left, Circle
Slim Jim -
Up, Up, Left, Left, Down, Down, Right, Right, Circle