Extreme Ghostbusters is based on the animated series that was a sequel to the 2 Ghostbusters movies. Extreme Ghostbusters was a short-lived, sequel/spin-off of The Real Ghostbusters, airing in the fall of 1997. The show featured a new team of younger Ghostbusters led by veteran Ghostbuster Egon Spengler, secretary Janine Melnitz, and the ghost, Slimer.
The game is an action-shooter game that is compatible with the console's sniper rifles. Show off your skill, accuracy and quick reflexes as you beat those terrible ghosts. Fire at will! Highly paranormal activities have just been detected in New York.
Professor Whitman at the City Museum has alerted the Extreme Ghostbusters of these most disturbing phenomena. However, before they leave, Janine, the famous secretary at the Ghostbusters office, makes a rather strange phone call telling them to meet in a narrow alley. They quickly discover that the meeting is a trap! Mirror Demon, the evil ghost, has kidnapped and cast a spell on Janine...
There are 4 different characters to choose (Garrett, Kylie, Eduardo & Roland) & 3 different game modes (training, arcade & adventure).
Manufacturer's description:
The extreme Ghostbusters have detected highly paranormal activity! They must act quickly to find out who is behind this new threat! Choose between four characters and three exclusive game modes. Use the extreme Ghostbusters highly powerful arsenal of lasers and proton packs, along with many special instruments to measure paranormal activity.
- Change between 4 characters and 3 exclusive game modes (Trianing, Arcade & Adventure)
- Use the Extreme Ghostbusters highly powerful arsenal of lasers and proton packs, aloneg with many special instruments to measure paranormal activity, etc.
- Confront dozens of enemies each one more terrifying than the next
- Play with a friend in cooperative mode for even more fun!
- Light gun controller compatible.
- First person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Ghosbusters theme.