Incredible Crisis follows the stories of four members of a Japanese family on their grandmother's birthday. As each family member goes through a seemingly normal day, things start to go wrong -- very wrong. Players will be able to live out this family's hair-raising experiences by playing a series of mini-games.
At its core, Incredible Crisis is a collection of mini-games strung together in order to advance the plot. Games range from a beatmania-style of timed gameplay (where certain buttons are pressed during certain beats) to shooting down airplanes, attacking UFOs, and even a certain "massage" level that is so analogous to a sexual experience that if gamers only heard the instructions and game mechanics, they would swear they were playing a game rated A for adult.
Many of the mini-games spoof popular American movies including Independence Day, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Godzilla, and the tongue-in-cheek humor never seems out of place in this bizarre rendition of Tokyo. While a collection of mini games may not sound compelling to the average gamer, the diversity and uniqueness of the games make sure that they do not get repetitive.
What really makes Incredible Crisis work is the wonderfully crafted plot. Each mini-game moves the plot along smoothly, offering comedic touches and story advancement that in some crazy kind of way makes sense. The same day is told through each of the different character's perspectives, and with each new story, elements that seem strange and out of place in the previous character's perspective begin to make sense.
Incredible Crisis will have you tapping buttons to slow down an elevator while avoiding falling debris, balancing a character on a fallen flagpole as he tries to make it safely back to a window, and other "events" designed to test your hand-eye coordination as well as your reactions under pressure.
Other activities include dodging oncoming enemies in jet skis and fighter jets, foiling bank robberies, as well as participating in a quiz in which paramedics will electrocute you with shock paddles for each incorrect answer you give them. Players will experience the same day from each family member's perspective, often revealing plot points that help tie the story together. The game also supports vibration feedback and uses one block of memory card space to save progress.
Manufacturer's description:
The severe fun of incredible Crisis is all about maintaining your sanity, as you help Taneo's family get home in time for Grandma's Birthday.
It's a happy day and the worst day of their life, as they endure hundreds of hilarious and cardiac-arrest inducing dilemmas.
You'll laugh, cry, freak-out and perhaps soil your shorts, while your mental and physical reflexes are put to the test.
The controls are simple, but thumb and forefinger injury is still a risk.
Be warned, this game is severely fun and may cause obsessive compulsive behavior, if not nervous disorders and/or involuntary twitches. Enjoy severe fun.
24 Mini-Games!
Music by Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra!
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- SCI-FI, Fantasy & Humour themes.