Largo Winch, the "billionaire in blue jeans," is based on the character created by novelist Jean van Hamme, now popular in France in the form of comic strips and a television series. Much like Lara Croft and James Bond, the rich, sophisticated, tough, agile, and cunning Winch is thrust into situations that only a top commando could handle. In Largo Winch.// Commando SAR, players guide Largo on a quest to track down terrorists, who are threatening his financial empire, and rescue a young journalist, Tania Kournakova, who was kidnapped from his Venezuelan chemical factory.
Members of the South American Redemption (SAR) have been blackmailed by a rival corporation and forced to commit acts against Largo's empire by the evil Mrs. Fritz. Now, Winch must use his fists, a pistol, and semi-retrievable (only if they miss the target) throwing knives in conjunction with gadgets like a brainwave scanner for locating enemies, a radio (for hints and messages from friends), and his toolkit. His arsenal, combined with stealthy movement, helps the jet-set commando put an end to the conspiracy facing him in his first PlayStation adventure.
Manufacturer's description:
Meet billionaire Largo Winch: Smoother than smooth, tougher than tough, and bursting onto the international scene in this action-intrigue thriller. Take control of the jet-set, superhero against a cabal of commandos - but can you infiltrate and destroy the conspiracy stacked against Largo's financial empire?
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Spies & Counter terrorist themes.