One Piece is a manga series written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda with an anime adaptation. The series focuses on a ragtag crew of heroic pirates called the Straw Hat Pirates, formed and led by a captain named Monkey D. Luffy. Luffy's greatest ambition is to obtain the world's ultimate treasure, One Piece, and become the Pirate King.
A young boy named Monkey D. Rufi gobbles some devil fruit to spite his pirate idol Shanks, which changes his body into rubber. This abnormal condition gives him the ability to elongate his appendages and bounce bullets but dashes away his hopes of ever swimming again. Despite all this, Rufi has a dream to become the greatest pirate of all time. In order to achieve this immortal title, he embarks on an adventure to find the greatest pirate treasure, One Piece. He is not without rivals however as competing crews also covet One Piece and will stop at nothing to obtain it. As Rufi travels, he meets and befriends other pirates who eventually join his crew.
This is the first fighting game for Playstation based on the manga and anime One Piece. One Piece is a anime that started back in 2001, I know it was a manga first. But anyway it stars a boy that's on his way to become the pirate king Monkey D. Luffy, and his pirate crew consisting of a 3 sword swordsman (Zoro), a thief/navigator (Nami), a liar/sharpshooter (usop), and a cook/martial artist (Sanji). All on their way to the Grand Line were a legendary pirate king hid the ultimate treasure ONE PIECE.
One Piece Grand Battle is a basic one on one fighting game, but it is set up like Super Smash Brothers. It's basic 2-d game play with different levels you can jump to and items you can throw at each other.
Manufacturer's description:
The popular One Piece characters battle it out in this action game! In addition to Luffy, Nami, Usopp and Sanji, the hateful enemies and master of the Devil Fruit join the battle!
Use your powers to finish off your enemies!
Fight the battle of your dreams and face your destiny in the Event Battle Mode.
Outwit your opponents and beat them senseless!
Use your Special Attacks in times of trouble!
Use your agility to jump and fly through stages!
- Third person perspective
- 2D Graphics
- Cartoon Graphics
- Pirates, Humour & Fantasy themes.