Stage - Killers -
This is a stage after you collect 15 of the disks, and place first in the final, the guy will offer you a fight in "Secret Poitters Point" Take it. You will fight 3 monsters who are detailed in disks 12 to 14. If you beat the small one first, you can get the joker glove, which instantly retires an opponent.
Stage - Kali -
After you beat the stage Killers, you move on to face Kally, Deatailed in disk 15 as Baus Kally Ver 3.153, Hit him while there are clones of him around, he takes more damage. After you beat him, you get the emporor glove, after you beat him after getting all 21 disks, you get a chip, and if you beat him without losing health, you get the Ghost Glove.
65.535.000 Money -
800A9970 FFFF
Infinite Energy P1 -
800AC890 00FF
Infinite Glove Energy P1 -
800AC89A 6666