Rescue Shot, known as Rescue Shot Bubibo in Japan, is a 3D light gun video game for the PlayStation console which was released in Japan and Europe in 2000.
The game is non-violent and aimed at younger players, the game is more forgiving of poor accuracy than others in the genre. Players watch over the game's hero, Bo, as he absentmindedly makes his way through each location, dealing with enemies and manoeuvering him past dangers
Players assume the role of a mysterious power protecting Bo, a harmless rabbit who has lost his memory after falling from a cliff. Bo travels to the end of each level, oblivious to danger, searching for the five dream fragments he needs to restore his memory
Enemies and bosses attack Bo throughout the game, the player must repel them. Obstacles and traps must be destroyed by being shot or bypassed by shooting Bo in the head or rump, neither of which harms him. Shooting Bo in the head causes him to fall over, avoiding any head-height attacks or obstacles and stopping him from moving for a few seconds. Shooting Bo in the rump causes him to leap forwards, potentially leaping over traps and obstacles. Standard rounds of ammunition are infinite, stronger rounds called acorn bullets act as explosives but are in limited supply.
Bo's life gauge is reduced by one point every time he is attacked or is damaged by a trap. If the life gauge is allowed to empty the game will end. Bo restores his own life gauge by eating any food he comes across on his travels, though some food items can harm him, requiring the player to shoot and destroy them before Bo has a chance to eat.
The game comprises four areas and a total of ten levels, covering fantasy locations such as a magic kingdom, a castle and a mineshaft with trolleys, alongside a futuristic city with clockwork robots. Bonus targets are spread throughout the game's stages, allowing players to increase their score, as well as acorn bullets which are collected by the player shooting them.
Manufacturer's description:
Meet Bo! He's a harmless hero in a harmful habitat. And he needs your help. Use your skills as a crack-shot marksman, to fend off Bo's enemies and shoot obstacles in his path. As Bo's guardian angel you must help the little guy uncover his history and discover his destiny. A new an innovative experience for PlayStation gun games, aimed directly at a younger audience. Non-violent fun with the emphasis on protecting Bo. Fast and frantic two player action, creates a strong 'team' element.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Fantasy theme.