Based on the movie of the same name, which is based on a Nickelodeon animated series, Rugrats in Paris: The Movie follows the adventures of a group of young children. Tommy Pickle's father has been sent to Europe in order to fix a broken robot at Euroreptarland and has decided to bring the group of Rugrats with him. Control of your favorite characters as you play through 16 levels as well as hidden bonus levels in single and multi-player games.
Unlike the PC and Game Boy Color spin-offs from the movie, the Nintendo 64 and PlayStation games are 3D platform games.
Tommy Pickle's father has been sent to Europe for maintenance work at Euroreptarland. The Rugrats join him on his travel to Europe. There are 16 levels and hidden bonus level to play through.
The game consists of various mini-games that have to be completed in order to earn enough tickets to beat the game. Most tickets, however, can just be collected by running around the park and picking them up. Tickets can be used to buy prizes. There are ten mini games including whack-a-ninja, bumper cars and mini-golf.
* Help Chuckie Finster get his cherished teddy bear back from EuroReptarland
* Complete various carnival-themed challenges as Tommy, Kimi, Dill, Chuckie, and Reptar
* Collect bonbons to access helpful information from Angelica
Manufacturer's description:
The Rugrats are going to Paris! Join Tommy, Chuckie, Kimi and the rest of the Rugrats gang as they journey through Paris and EUROREPTARLAND. France will never be the same. Roar through the streets of Paris, win carnival games and prizes, get choppin' with Chuckie Chan, bump your buddies on the bumper cars!
- Third person perspectives.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Fantasy & TV Cartoon themes.