Based on the successful Nickelodeon cartoon series, Rocket Power: Team Rocket Rescue for PlayStation features Otto, Reggie, Sam, and Twister displaying their Xtreme sports talents for players as they try to save Ray Rocket's business from the competition. Since Ray Rocket's new line of boards is not gaining exposure, the team decides to advertise by entering local competitions under his name. Players control any of the four characters to snowboard, skateboard, bike, and inline skate through 16 levels of single-player story mode, free play, or Titos Challenge. Performing tricks and completing tasks as Team Rocket tries to help Raymondo will progress players through the game.
In Story Mode, the chosen character must complete tasks such as finding bike parts, collecting flags, and navigating through gates in a downhill snowbaord challenge. Performing tricks to earn high scores is another included task. Each level is timed and the tasks must be completed before the time runs out in order to win and progress to the next level. Mad Town and the ski slopes are some of the areas the team will visit in Story Mode with the main objective being to advertise the 2001 line of Rocket Boards.
Free play allows players to practice tricks and learn the courses without the pressure of the timer. Only the beginning four levels are available until others have been unlocked in Story Mode. One or two players can participate in Free Play. Tito's Challenge is a timed challenge to find hidden seashells in the levels. One player can accept the challenge or two players can work cooperatively to find the shells. Game options include adjustable controls and screen positions.
Manufacturer's description:
Trouble in Ocean Shores!
Sno-mart has moved into town and is taking business away from Rocket Boards. Will Team Rocket have what it takes to help Ray Rocket save his shop!
Time for Some Grindage
Grab Some Metal
Riding High
Catch Big Air
Chillin's With Team Rocket
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Extreme Sports & Anime themes.