Sitting Ducks is a children's animated television series based on an iconic lithograph and the 1998 children's book, Sitting Ducks, created by Michael Bedard. Voice direction was done by Andrea Romano, "arguably the best known casting/dialogue director on the animation scene today".[1]
Sitting Ducks first appeared in 2001 in Europe, later debuting in North America on the Cartoon Network, Australia on ABC and in Japan. The show lasted for two seasons each comprising of 13 episodes, with the last episode shown on July 5, 2003. It is currently airing on qubo.
The show is set in a town called Ducktown and focuses on a duck named Bill and his best friend Aldo, a huge alligator from the neighboring town of Swampwood. As ducks are a favorite snack of the alligators, Bill and Aldo's friendship is rather unusual. The pair usually end up in varied situations and adventures, getting around on Bill's scooter.
Based on Britain's popular computer animated series, airing in the United States on the Cartoon Network, Sitting Ducks for Playstation has players controlling an affable duck named Bill and his sidekick friend Aldo, who just so happens to be an alligator. Played from a side-scrolling perspective, the game has players journeying throughout a re-creation of DuckTown, where the duo will meet up with such familiar characters as Ed, Oly, and Waddle, hitch a ride on a scooter, and perform various other task-oriented activities to help out friends in need.
The Playstation version features the vibration function.
Manufacturer's description:
Join Bill and Aldo for hilarious adventures! They absolutely want to go to 'King Of Bongo' music group concert. They have to collect 20 stickers, but it is not easy because stickers have been dispersed all around the town. Live the adventures of your favourite characters through more than 20 totally different main missions. Three playable characters: Bill, Aldo and Fred & a giant city with allowing crowds of ducks and alligators, avoid them to win!
- Third person perspective.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Fantasy theme.