In this adventure based on the Tiny Toon animated series, you must help Plucky, Hamton and Furball escape a haunted mansion. Each character has a purpose. Plucky and Hamton are there to navigate the mansion and provide comic relief, while Furball activates switches and devices.
Since the characters aren't the bravest of souls, they may run away at certain times. Other problems include Bombats, flying creatures that come in several varieties. TNT Bombats, for example, have a short fuse and will explode on contact. All enemies can be eliminated in a series of "shooting" sequences within the mansion.
Gameplay involves moving the characters through a series of rooms where they perform different actions, such as shooting, pulling switches, taking items, and opening doors. To successfully escape the mansion, the characters will need to retrieve power cells to activate the elevator on each of the five floors.
Plucky, Hamton and Furball from the television cartoon Tiny Toon Adventures need to escape from the spooky haunted mansion of the evil Baroness Toonenstein (played by Elmyra) where she needs their brains to build a monster. The player moves Furball through numerous rooms looking for power cell actuators needed to activate the elevators on five floors while chased by different types of evil flying Bombats which explode if they touch him.
When the Bombat Disabler Gun is found, the view changes to a stationary sniper mode and enemies can be shot with green goo. Furball can also open doors, activate levers, and take items such as codes to a treasure vault in the basement. There are different mini-games and puzzles to solve, in order to progress. Plucky and Hamton will sometimes be too frightened and run away, and must be located.
Manufacturer's description:
Toonenstein: Dare to Scare is a wacky new kids adventure game based on the Emmy Award-winning TINY TOON ADVENTURES animated series!
Trapped inside Baroness Toonenstein's (Elmyra's) mansion, Furball with panicky pals Plucky and Hamton, must avoid getting their brains swapped with Elmyra's cuddly creation. In this haunted hide-n-seek, the only chance of escape is to redirect the mansion's "creepy" power and stop Elmyra in her monstrous machinations!
- Third and First person perspectives.
- 2D Graphics
- Cartoon Graphics
- Horror, Fantasy & Cartoon Humour themes.