All weapons - Pause the game and select Quit. When it asks you if you want to quit game,say yes and then choose replay level. At the Select Level screen, select Bonus Game Modes. Once you enter this menu, select Enter Code and input the following:
Circle, Square, Circle, X, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square.
Cario Level - Pause the game and select Quit. When it asks you if you want to quit game,say yes and then choose replay level. At the Select Level screen, select Bonus Game Modes. Once you enter this menu, select Enter Code and input the following:
Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, X.
Infinite ammo - Pause the game and select Quit. When it asks you if you want to quit game,say yes and then choose replay level. At the Select Level screen, select Bonus Game Modes. Once you enter this menu, select Enter Code and input the following:
X, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle.
Infinite lives - Pause the game and select Quit. When it asks you if you want to quit game,say yes and then choose replay level. At the Select Level screen, select Bonus Game Modes. Once you enter this menu, select Enter Code and input the following:
Circle, Circle, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Square, X.
Invincibility - Pause the game and select Quit. When it asks you if you want to quit game,say yes and then choose replay level. At the Select Level screen, select Bonus Game Modes. Once you enter this menu, select Enter Code and input the following:
Triangle, X, Circle, Circle, Square, X, Triangle, Square.
Infinite Energy -
80101B52 00E1 80101B66 00E2 801020A4 0064 801E16FC 0064
Infinite Ammo -
8009F0D2 0063 801020D0 0063