Tweenies is a television programme aimed at young children, broadcast on the BBC. The programme is set in a nursery attended by the four Tweenies themselves: Milo, Jake, Bella and Fizz. They are supplemented by two adults, Max and Judy, and two dogs, Doodles and Izzles.
The original prototypes for the tweenies characters were designed by Sally Priesig of Mimics Productions; they were later re-scaled into two sizes for the characters shown on the series. In addition, Sally also designed the character costumes and was co-constructor/developer for the Tweenies' full-size puppets. The costume fabric comes from the US and was imported and dyed into their present colours; it is about the same thickness as fleece jumpers.
The show includes a "Tweenie Clock", with five circular lights arranged in a pentagonal shape with the lights denoting "news time" (orange), "messy time" (blue: art, sticking, painting), "song time" (yellow: generally nursery rhymes or children's classics), "telly time" (green; in some later episodes, this is also used when they use the computer) and "story time" (red). "Surprise Time" is a special time determined when all five lights glow. A button at the centre of the clock is pressed to select the activity that will be undertaken next.
It is currently being shown on CBeebies, the BBC's channel for young children.
The Playstation game is a collection of different mini games and features:
* Jake's Dot World - Fly your favourite Tweenie through a world where all the colour has been gobbled up
* Fizz's Disco - Help your Tweenie copy Fizz as she dances to the disco music
* Milo's Space Race - Race through space collecting the musical instruments. Then make your very own tune with them
* Bella's Fairy Castle - Welcome to Bella's castle...but your Tweenie needs to collect a fairy costume to enter it!
Manufacturer's description:
Tweenies--Game Time on PlayStation is set to capture the imaginations of children aged three years and up with its selection of engaging activities. Guided by Milo, Jake, Fizz and Bella, young players will find the same sense of fun and involvement as in the bright and colourful BBC television series. Research undertaken by BBC Worldwide among children who watch Tweenies revealed that singing and dancing are major factors in the success of the show. Tweenies - Game Time builds on these core activities by drawing on the idea of building a fantasy world, involving players in a number of games which encourage imaginative interactive learning. Children get to pick their favourite Tweenies character, choose any of the following games then go off and create their own fantasy world:
Jake's Dot World: Fly your favourite Tweenie through a world where all the colour has been gobbled up by mysterious colour-eating monsters. Find all the objects that are black and white and put the colour back into them.
Fizz's Disco: Help your Tweenie copy Fizz as she dances to the disco music. Can you remember all the moves as she grooves around the dance floor? Players can also make up their own dance routine for their favourite Tweenie.
Milo's Space Race: Race through space in Milo's special rocket ship, collecting the musical instruments that are flying around you as you go before time runs out. Then make your very own tune with them.
Bella's Fairy Castle: Welcome to Bella's castle... but your Tweenie needs a fairy costume to enter it! Help your Tweenie collect parts of these costumes by completing puzzles and activities. The further you get through the castle, the more parts of the costumes you can collect.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Fantasy & TV Show themes.