Time Bokan is a Japanese anime series first aired on Fuji TV from October 4, 1975 to December 25, 1976 throughout Japan every Saturday at 6:30pm, with a total of 61 30-minute episodes. It was produced by Tatsunoko Productions, who later produced a number of spinoff programs as part of the "Time Bokan Series":
Dr. Kieda, a somewhat slightly wacky, but intelligent scientist, has finally succeeded in inventing insect-shaped all-terrain time machines called "Time Bokan". To prove its efficiency and safety, he decides to serve as the very first guinea-pig for its maiden voyage. However, by the time the machine returned, he isn't anywhere inside. The only thing that returned with it is a talking parrot, along with a large gemstone called the Dynamond, which is seemingly the most powerful and valuable jewel in the world.
Now it is up to a search party, founded by Dr. Kieda's lab assistant Tanpei, to travel though time to find Dr. Kieda; but it seems that someone power hungry is looking for the "Dynamond"...
In Time Bokan Bokandesuyo the player controls "The Skull Trio" (Marjo, Grocky & Walther) using different kind of vehicles, bombs and power-ups in a vertical 2d shooter game.
Manufacturer's description:
- Third person perspective.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- SCI-FI, Futuristic, Anime & Humour themes.