Wacky Races is an animated television series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The series features 11 different cars racing against each other in various road rallies, with each driver hoping to win the title of the "World's Wackiest Racer." Wacky Races ran on CBS from September 14, 1968 to September 5, 1970. Seventeen episodes were produced, with each episode featuring two different races, for a total of 34 races in all.
The cartoon was unusual in the large number of regular characters, twenty-four in total: the twenty-three people spread among the 11 race cars, plus the unseen (and never identified) race announcer. Another unusual feature of the series is that the stars of the show are the villains as opposed to the heroes.
Attempting to foil the racers' efforts were the show's resident villains Dick Dastardly and his canine sidekick, Muttley. Dastardly would usually gain a large lead, then execute all sorts of elaborate schemes to trap, divert, blow up or stop the other racers, only to see them backfire spectacularly. The intended object lesson may have been that Dastardly might have easily won several races had he only kept his mind on the race and off dirty tricks. The Mean Machine was arguably the fastest car in the series, as evidenced by Dastardly's repeatedly zooming to a stunning lead from far behind. Like Wile E. Coyote, Dastardly never saw victory, although on one occasion he did cross the finish line first only to be disqualified when the judges reviewed the video replay, revealing that Dastardly had "cheated" (actually extending the tip of his car, which was actually allowed).
Wacky Races was inspired by the 1965 film The Great Race, and the main characters in the cartoon were based on those in the film.
For those who can remember the cartoon series, this game will be a blast from the past. Choose from all your favourite characters including Peter Perfect, Penelope Pitstop and, of course, Dick Dastardly and Muttley, and wind your way through cartoon like environments in the familiar vehicles of each character. Simply get to the end of the race first to open up new tracks, and use weapons to pick off the rest of the cast, and aid your progress.
Wacky Races sticks rigidly to the format of the TV cartoon where players are actually encouraged to win the race using any means necessary. To assist in this task an on screen Wackymeter has three empty spaces to be filled by collecting various colored wings scattered around the track. Each colored set of wings has a point rating, and the more points scored. the wackier the gadget or weapon awarded. To further hazard progress the circuit is littered with bumps, jumps and traps.
Manufacturer's description:
Wacky Racers!
Here comes the craziest collection of characters ever to hit the track, all trying to become the World's Wackiest Racer!
6 crazy cars, including Penelope Pitstop in the Compact Pussycat and the legendary Dastardly and Muttley in their Mean Machine
40 all action tracks across 5 wacky environments
Choose Single Race, Battle Mode, or the wild Wacky Races Championship
Over 20 ingenious gadgets, traps and weapons to knock your opponents out of the race!
Exhaust-belching laughs guaranteed for 1 or 2 players
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Cartoon & Racing themes.