All Abilities -
At the level select screen hold L2 + R1 and press X, Square, R2, L1, Circle, X, Square, Circle, Square
Extra Key -
At the level select screen hold L2 + R1 and press X, Square, R2, L1, Circle, X, Circle, Square, Square
Maximum Carrots -
At the level select screen hold L2 + R1 and press X, Square, R2, L1, Circle, X, Square, Square, Circle
Maximum Energy -
At the level select screen hold L2 + R1 and press X, Square, R2, L1, Circle, X, Square, Circle, Circle
Unlock All Stages -
At the Era Selector point Bugs to an Era that is inaccessable. Hold L2 + R1 and press X, Square, R2, L1, Circle, X, Square, Square, Square
Joker Command -
D001000C 0000
Infinite Health -
30010042 0006
Maximum Normal Carrots -
30010043 0063
Maximum Golden Carrots -
30010047 00FF
Maximum Clocks -
30010045 00FF