Dragon Tales is an American-Canadian animated pre-school children's television series created by Jim Coane and Ron Rodecker and developed by Coane, Wesley Eure, Jeffrey Scott, Cliff Ruby and Elana Lesser. The story focuses on the adventures of two siblings, Max and Emmy and their dragon friends Cassie, Ord, Zak, Wheezie, and Quetzal. The series began broadcasting on the Public Broadcasting Service on their PBS Kids block on September 6, 1999, with its final episode aired on November 25, 2005.
Dragon Tales: Dragon Seek is an interactive product that is part of the encompassing multi-media project centered on the PBS television series Dragon Tales. The game features puzzles and activities designed to encourage creative problem-solving and bolster self-confidence in pre-schoolers.
Like the television show, Dragon Tales: Dragon Seek teaches kids to understand their fears and to look forward to learning from new experiences, even when things do not turn out exactly as planned. Emmy, Max, and many of their dragon friends are featured throughout the game.
Manufacturer's description:
4 engaging environments
Play as Emmy or her brother Max
Collect dragon berries for sing-along mode
Create your own storybook
Dragons hide in different places each time so you can play again and again
4 different skill levels
- Third person perspectives
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Fantasy theme.