All Ships and Weapons -
At the main screen press L1, R1, L2, R2, Up, Down, Right, Left, Left, Right, Down, Up
Level Select -
At the title screen press L1, R1, L2, R2, Triangle, X, Circle, Square, Square, Circle, X, Triangle
Infinite Scientists -
800856C8 0063
Infinite Component 1 -
800856CC 0063
Infinite Component 2 -
800856D0 0063
Infinite Component 3 -
800856D4 0063
Level Select (With these codes, start a new game and then abort it, and the codes will work) -
30070E95 0001
All Ships & Weapons (With these codes, start a new game and then abort it, and the codes will work) -
30070E96 0001