Adjust Cloud Speed -
At the main menu hold L1, L2, R1, R2 and press Up or Down
Level Select -
At the main menu press Up, Up, Down, Down, X, X, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Triangle, X, Triangle
Tex Support AI -
Press Up, Down, L1, R2, R1, L2, Left, Right, Select at the title screen and then go to your AI selection screen and tex will be available to choose. This is the only way to obtain Tex
Master Code -
D0008520 1000
Infinite Lives -
D00B0000 0D18 80102EF4 0003 D00B0000 1658 80103308 0003 D00B0000 0DEC 800FFA0C 0003 D00B0000 0DF0 80101EEC 0003 D00B0000 1664 80108210 0003 D00B0000 1504 800FD144 0003
Infinite Time -
D00B0000 0D18 80102830 8C80 D00B0000 1658 80102C4C 8C80 D00B0000 0DEC 800FF380 8C80 D00B0000 0DF0 80101820 8C80 D00B0000 1664 80107AF4 8C80 D00B0000 1504 800FCA88 8C80
Infinite Energy -
D00B0000 0D18 80138114 00C8 D00B0000 1658 80139840 00C8 D00B0000 0DEC 8013495C 00C8 D00B0000 0DF0 8013AF44 00C8 D00B0000 1664 8013D328 00C8
D00B0000 1504 801321FC 00C8