Alternate uniforms -
Choose Anaheim, Boston, Chicago, Tampa Bay, or the New York Rangers as a visiting team. Then on the setup screen, select the ''Start Game'' option and hold Right + Square until the game begins. Now the players from those visiting teams will be wearing their third jerseys
Cheat Mode -
Pause the game and press R1, R2, Right, Left, R1
Randomly created team (At the team selection screen, select exhibition or practice mode, then press these buttons) -
L1 + L2 + R1 + R2. You can now choose your own players to play with on a team. And use them for a game
Bonus teams and Old School teams (Select exhibition or practice mode. Then at the team selection screen, press L1, L2, Square to enable the New York Sports, Salt Lake Frosties, or Canton Michigan Ratpack teams. Several other teams may be enabled by highlighting one of the existing teams and entering one of the following codes to play as one of these old school teams) -
Cleveland Barons -
Press R1(2), Circle
Hamilton Tigers -
Press L1, R2, Square
Kansas City Scouts -
Press R2(2), Square
Montreal Maroons -
Press L1, R1, Square
New York Americans -
Press R1, L2, Circle
Oakland Seals -
Press L2(2), Circle
Portland Rosebuds -
Press L2, R2, Square
Seattle Metropolitans -
Press L2, R1, Square
Toronto St. Pats -
Press L1(2), Circle
Vancouver Millionaires -
Press R2, L2, Circle
Away Team Score 0 -
300FF899 0000
Away Team Score 99 -
300FF899 0063
Home Team Score 0 -
800FF898 0000
Home Team Score 99 -
800FF898 0063