Bonus level -
Compete each level with a "Cool" rating. A bonus level with Sunny Funny and Katy Kat dancing on a table will be accessible
Change Parappa's voice -
Complete the first two levels with a "Cool" rating. Press X(3), Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square(2), Right, Left, Square, X and finish the next level as usual. On the level 4, press X, Square, Triangle, Circle, X to allow Parappa's voice to be changed. Hold R1 and press Circle or Triangle to cycle through the voices of the other characters in the game
Play as Sunny or the Ninja -
Complete the level 1 with at least 3000 points and a "Cool" rating. Complete level 2 with a "Good" rating, but with the "Cool" status flashing. This occurs if the score is 1025 points. Complete levels 3 and 4 with over 2000 points on each, and a "Good" rating. Complete level 5 with at least 4000 points and a "Cool" rating. Finally, complete level 6 with at least 2000 points and a "Cool" rating. The choice of playing as Sunny or the Ninja will appear when starting the next game.
Always Be Rapping Cool -
801C368E 0000
Always Score 999 Points -
801C3670 03E7
KT & The Sunny Funny Band Unlocked -
30087B92 0001
All Stages Unlocked -
30087B92 0001 50000602 0000 30087B86 0003