Cloak -
During gameplay hold Triangle and press Square, Circle, Circle, Square. Release Triangle, hold X and press Triangle, Triangle, and release X.
End Level -
Press X, Up, Down, Up, then hold Square and press Circle, then hold X and press Triangle.
Invincibility -
Pause the game, highlight Sound Volume, hold Right and press Circle, Square, Triangle. Then hold Left and press Circle, Square, X.
Max Ammo -
Hold Circle and press Square, hold Triangle and press X, hold Circle and press X, hold X and press Square.
Maximum Health -
When your life is low pause the game, highlight the last option, hold Square and press Circle, X, Triangle. Release Square, hold Circle and press Square, X, Triangle.
Speed -
Pause the game and highlight Review Mission. Then hold Up and press Triangle, Triangle, Triangle. Release Up, then hold Down and press X, Square, Circle, release Down.
Test Mode -
Press Left, Right, Right, Left, hold X and press Triangle. Hold Triangle and press X.
Joker Command -
D007E030 0000
Infinite 9Mm Shells -
800997DA 0063
Infinite Health -
800997B6 0164
Secret Characters -
800682A8 9A98 800682AC 9ACC 800682B0 9B00 80068330 A930 80068340 A920 80068350 A910 80068360 A900 80069B38 9994 80069B3C 99C8 80069B40 99FC 80069B44 9A30 80069B98 9A64