MISC CODES (Enter these button configurations at the main menu):
Display Debug Info -
Up, L1, Down, R1, R2, Down, L2, Up
Infinite Mice -
Pause the game, hold L1, Circle, Circle, Triangle
Invincibility -
L2, Square, L1, Circle, R2, Square, L1, Circle
Loaded Ammo -
Square, L1, R1, Up, Circle, L2, R2, Down
Unlock All Levels -
R2, Left, Right, R1, L1, Up, Down, L2
Unlock All Movies -
Circle, L2, Left, R1, R2, Right, L1
View all Loading Screens and Intro Movie Clips -
Right, Circle, Square, Square, R1, R2, Left, L2
Infinite Health -
800CA09A 0303
Infinite Fruit -
800C7728 0063