All Weapons -
Pause the game and press X, Triangle, R2, Triangle, X, L2, R2, Down, L2, Square, Right
Full Ammo -
Pause the game and press Left, Left, L1, R2, Square, R1, Right, Right
Full Health -
Pause the game and press L2, L2, R2, R2, Up, L1, Up, R1
Level 2 - Los Angeles -
At the title screen press Circle, Circle, R2, R2, Left, Right, Up, L2, L2, Triangle
Level 3 - Los Angeles 7 -
At the title screen press Circle, Circle, L2, L2, Left, Right, Up, R2, R2, Triangle
Level 4 - Las Vegas -
At the title screen press Square, Square, L2, L1, Up, Down, R1, R2, Left, Right
Level 5 - Las Vegas 7 -
At the title screen press Square, Square, L2, L1, Up, Down, R1, R2, Right, Left
Level 6 - San Francisco -
At the title screen press Circle, Square, L2, R1, Triangle, L1, R2, Down, Up, Left
Level 7 - Houston -
At the title screen press L2, L1, R1, R2, CIrcle, Left, Left, Triangle, Right, Right
Level 8 - Washington -
At the title screen press Circle, Circle, L1, R1, L2, R2, Left, Right, Triangle, Down, Down
Level 9 - Florida -
At the title screen press L1, R1, Square, Circle, R2, L2, Up, Triangle, Down, Down
Level 10 - Nebraska -
At the title screen press Square, Square, Left, Left, Square, Circle, Circle, Up, Up, Square
Joker Command -
D0099A88 0000
Infinite Health -
8009A07C 03E8
Infinite Weapon -
80124576 03E7