Invulnerable to asteroids -
Press Triangle, Square, L1, Circle, R1, Triangle, R2, Triangle. Note that collisions with the larger planetoids are still possible
Invulnerable to weapons -
Press Circle, R2, Square, Triangle, Triangle, L2, L1, Triangle
Enable all race mode tracks -
Press L1, Triangle, Circle, R2, Square, R1, Square, Triangle. All tracks except Quadrant 11 will be accessible
Enable all race mode hidden tracks -
Press R1, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, R1, L1, Triangle. Quadrant 11 contains four tracks (Epsilon Indi and three more). Because Quadrant 10 and 11 are playoff and final tracks, they will only have drone ships
View FMV sequences -
Press R2, Circle, R1, Triangle, Square, L1, Triangle, Triangle. All fifty minutes of FMV, except for the 5 minute epilogue, may be viewed
View ending sequence -
Press R2, Circle, R1, Triangle, R2, Circle, R1, Triangle
Infinite Standard Missiles -
8016BE7C 0032
Infinite Stun Missiles -
80154406 000A
Infinite Heat Seeker Missiles -
80154408 0009
Infinite Trench Missiles -
8015440A 0009