99 Lives -
Pause the game and press L1, Triangle, Down, Left, Circle, Select, Square, Right
Free Halos -
Pause the game and press R1, Circle, Circle, Down, Left, Circle, Right, Down
Get all Swirly Q's immediately -
Pause the game and press R1, Right, Circle, R2, R2, Square, Right, Select
Level Skip -
Pause the game and press Triangle, L1, L1, Square, Right, Circle, Triangle, Down
Max 1970s Items -
Select, O, Up, Left, Down, Up, Down, Square
Max Lives and Bullets -
Pause the game and press L1, Triangle, Down, R1, Circle, Right, Up, Select
Infinite lives -
800A06CD 0009
Infinite monkeys -
3009B250 0009