Magical Girl Pretty Sammy is an anime based on the magically transformed version of the Sasami character from the various Tenchi Muyo! series. The Pretty Sammy OVAs have been dubbed into English by Pioneer USA (before it became Geneon), while the television series (which is also known as Magical Project S) is only available subtitled. The OAVs and the television series take place in different continuities, although they are similar in many respects.
In the series, Sasami Kawai is a cute young Japanese girl who is asked by magical queen-to-be Tsunami of Juraihelm to become Magical Girl Pretty Sammy, a champion of justice. She is constantly harassed by Pixy Misa, an evil magical girl created by a rival candidate for queen of the magical world, Ramia. Sasami is unaware that Pixy Misa is actually her best friend, Misao Amano, who herself is unaware of the transformation forced on her via hypnosis by Ramia's brother, Rumiya.
Collectively, the various Pretty Sammy vehicles spoof the magical girl genre of anime, using the characters from AIC's popular Tenchi Muyo! series (where Sasami is known as Sasami Masaki Jurai). Ryo-Ohki (who is a male in both of the Pretty Sammy Series) is Pretty Sammy's assistant and plays the same role that Luna, (of the Sailor Moon series) had done, including keeping the fact he could talk a secret.
The other major characters of Tenchi Muyo; Tenchi, Washu, Tsunami, Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi, and Kiyone, also appear in different roles in the Pretty Sammy OVAs and (Magical Project S) series.
Magical Girl Pretty Samy Part 1 in the Earth: Tsunami has just been chosen to be the next Queen of Juraihelm. But before her inheritance to the throne could be finalized, Tsunami must first prove her worthiness by selecting a magical girl to champion her cause. For reasons unknown, Tsunami chooses an ordinary elementary school student named Sasami from the insignificant planet of Earth. Ramia, the runner-up in the race, does not want Tsunami to succeed, so she goes out and finds her own magical girl to hamper Pretty Samy's efforts. Ramia winds up with Misao, Sasami's classmate and best friend, who she forcefully changes into Pixy Misa to perform " evil deeds " for her. The plot evolves around these two characters as they battle it out in modern day Tokyo.
Manufacturer's description:
The popular television program of this fall, "Pretty Sammy" comes quickly to the Playstation. The main character Sammy has a flying jumping adventure in the slightly different Pretty Sammy OAV universe. The same as the "Tenchi Muyo" series, the original AIC staff members bring life to Sammy. A adventure game with high quality graphics.
- First person perspective.
- 2D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Magic, Fantasy, Humour & Anime themes.