Cheat menu cheats:
Alien Mode -
Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Up and Triangle
Infinite Ammo -
Down, X, Left, Circle, Down, X, Left, Circle
Invincibility -
Left, Square, Up, Triangle, Right, Circle, Down, X
Invisibility -
Left, Square, Right, Circle, Left, Square, Right, Circle
Slow motion -
Right, Square, Up, Triangle, Right, Square, Up, Triangle
Xen gravity -
Up, Triangle, Down, X, Up, Triangle, Down, X
Unlock all Decay missions (including bonus mission Xen Attacks) - Go to the Options, then Cheats. To enter the code you must have two controllers:
p2_R3, p1_L3, p1_up, p1_up, p2_down, p2_down, p1_left, p1_right, p2_left, p2_right, p1_X, p1_O, START