Donald Duck becomes a powerful superhero who vows to save the world in Disney's PK: Out of the Shadows. Originally created by Disney artists in Italy, this alternate version of Donald fights crime from a Batcave-like base of operations, deep inside Ducklair Tower. With the help of a sentient machine called Computer One, Donald will be able to use a number of inventive gadgets to battle evil. Players control the feisty fowl from a third-person perspective while navigating a mix of indoor and outdoor locales taken directly from the comic book series.
The superhero is called into action when a hostile force of ducks called Evronians, led by the evil Zondag, invades Earth. Players, as PK, must destroy the army and rescue a group of innocent scientists who have been abducted. Each level contains six scientists, but there is one small catch: once the Envronians catch wind of PK's plan, a clock will appear and players need to quickly locate the remaining scientists before time expires. Other items found along the levels include activation stars, which let players resume progress at checkpoints, and upgrades for PK's customizable weapon: the X-Transformer.
With the X-Transformer in hand, players can isolate enemies using a lock-on button and switch targets using the analog stick. Other moves at PK's disposal include a double jump, a first-person view to look around the areas, and an ability to change into new, more powerful costumes that grant him added abilities. As the X-Transformer acquires new upgrades, players will be able to send a remote-controlled weapon that can turn, strafe, and blast items in areas otherwise unreachable. PK will also have to deal with various boss characters on his way to the ultimate destination: the Evronian Mothership.
* A new take on a familiar Disney character sends players on a sci-fi romp through comic book worlds
* Use moves such as the Propulsion Jump and SuperCharge to access new areas or to eliminate hostile threats
* Activate teleport stations (level checkpoints) by collecting 15 activation stars
* Rescue 40 scientists before the final confrontation on the Evronian Mothership
* Mission reports at the end of each level show how many scientists have been rescued as well as available weapon upgrades
Bored with his everyday life working in Ducklair Tower as a security guard and sick of being put upon by his girlfriend Daisy, 3 nephews and Uncle Scrooge McDuck, Donald Duck makes a wish to become a super hero. Unbeknownst to him, someone was listening, Computer One - a super-computer hidden in the tower- enrolls Donald as the new Superhero of the Future... PK.
PK discovers that an evil race called the Evronians plan to secretly invade Earth and to transform its inhabitants into slaves, the "CoolFlames". PK's mission become clear he must use his brand new powers to rescue the Evronians hostages and save the earth!
* Explore 4 different worlds, including the Evronians Underwater Base, Ducklair Tower and the Mothership.
* Use the powerful X – Transformer to blast your enemies, and discover new powers as you progress through the game including X-Ray and Head-hunter missiles.
* Play as Donald PK for the first time ever, an all new comic character.
* Fight many different types of enemies including the Evronian, infantry soldiers Cool flames and surfers.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- SCIFI, Futuristic, Fantasy & Humour themes.