This code must be done at the 'Hit Start' screen.
Adrenaline meter always full -
Down, X, X, X, R1, R1, R1
All Music -
L1, Left(x2), Right(x3), X(x2). You will hear a sound if entered correctly.
All riders have fiery hands and feet -
Down, Triangle, Triangle, X, X, R1, R1
Invisible bikes -
Down, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down, Left, Up
No on-screen displays -
Down, Triangle, Circle, X, Square
Perfect balance -
Down, Up, Circle, Down, Up, Circle, Down, Up, Circle
Play as a Mime -
At the Title Screen, press Triangle, L1, R1, L1, R1, L1.
Rick Thorne FMV -
R1, L1, Right, R1, Left, R1
Seth Kimbrough FMV -
R1, Up (x2), Circle(x3), R1
Tiki Battle Mode -
L1(x2), Down, R1, X, L1
Unlock ''Big Ramp'' video -
R1, Up, Down, Left, X, X, X, R1
Unlock ''Day Flatland'' video -
R1, Circle, Left, Left, Square, Right, Right, R1
Unlock ''gear'' rags (rider options) -
Circle, Triangle, Left, Right, Left, Circle
Unlock ''vegas'' rags (rider options) -
Circle, L1, L1, Up, Up
Unlock all Cory Nastazio videos -
R1, Square, Circle, Circle, Sqaure, Square, Square, R1
Unlock all Joe Kowalski videos -
R1, Up, X, Triangle, Down, R1
Unlock all Kevin Robinson videos -
R1, X, Triangle, Down, Up, R1
Unlock all levels -
Square, Right, Right, Triangle, Down, Square. Note: do this code fairly fast.
Unlock all levels in all modes except Road Trips -
Square, Right, Right, Triangle, Down, Square
Unlock all Mat Hoffman videos -
R1, Left, Circle, Left, Circle, Left, R1
Unlock all Mike Escamilla videos -
R1, Circle, X, X, Circle, X, X, R1
Unlock all music tracks -
L1, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, X, X
Unlock all Nate Wessel videos -
R1, Down, Triangle, Circle, Down, Triangle, Circle, R1
Unlock all Rick Thorne videos -
R1, L1, Right, R1, Left, R1
Unlock all Ruben Alcantara videos -
R1, Square, Circle, Circle, Sqaure, Square, Square, R1
Unlock all Seth Kimbrough videos -
R1, Up, Up, Circle, Circle, Circle, R1
Unlock all Simon Tabron videos -
R1, L1, L1, R1, L1, L1, R1
Unlock Big Ramp FMV -
R1, Up, Down, Left, X, X, X, R1
Unlock Bigfoot -
Triangle, Right, Up, Right, Up, Square
Unlock Boston in Road Trip mode -
Square, Up, Down, Down, Up, Square
Unlock Chicago in Road Trip mode -
Square, Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Square
Unlock Day Smith -
Triangle, Up, Down, Up, Down, Square
Unlock Day Smith: Day will be hanging out in the OKC level. Find him and he will become available in both Session and 2 player modes -
Triangle, Up, Down, Up, Down, Square
Unlock Elvis outfit for riders -
Circle, L1, L1, Up, Up
Unlock Kid's street bike (for all riders): The bike is found in the Chicago level after you rescue the kid with the medi-vac chopper -
X, Left, Left, L1, R1, Left
Unlock Las Vegas in Road Trip mode -
Square, R1, Left, L1, Right, Square
Unlock Los Angeles in Road Trip mode -
Square, Left, Triangle, Triangle, Left, Square
Unlock Mime -
Triangle, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
Unlock New Orleans in Road Trip mode -
Square, Down, Right, Up, Left, Square
Unlock Portland in Road Trip mode -
Square, X, X, Triangle, Triangle, Square
Unlock Tiki Battle mode -
L1, L1, Down, R1, X, L1
Unlock Vanessa -
Triangle, Down, Left, Left, Down, Square.
Unlock Volcano -
Triangle, Up, Up, X, Up, Up, X
Freeze Timer -
200FFF20 3C014480 200FFF24 AC410134 2016CE10 0803FFC8 200FFF28 0805B389
Max Score -
201661F0 3C020505