Grappler Baki, or Baki the Grappler, is a manga series written and illustrated by Keisuke Itagaki. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shonen Champion from 1991 to 1999, and later collected into 42 tankobon volumes. It was followed by two sequel series; BakiČ, which was serialized from 1999 to 2005 and later collected into 31 volumes, and Baki Hanma, which was serialized from 2005 to 2012 and later collected into 37 volumes.
Baki is raised by his wealthy and obsessive mother, Emi Akezawa, who also funds his training in the hopes that he can be a powerful warrior like his father. Around the start of the series, Baki outgrows traditional training and heads out to follows the path of his ruthless father's training and meets many powerful fighters along the way. Eventually, Baki fights his father and is beaten without a challenge.
After being beaten, Baki travels around the world continuing his training. Years down the road he finds an underground fighting arena where he fights some of the most powerful fighters of all styles of martial arts. It is here he truly begins to hone his martial arts skills.
Fighting Fury is based on the Grappler Baki Anime, Fighting Fury is one of the only venues where the World Champions in Karate, amateur wrestling, Judo, professional wrestling, and other unarmed combat techniques can meet and trade blows. Features include 13 different characters to master, an Endorphin Gauge that unlocks super powerful moves, Tournament and Sparring modes, and a customizable fighter tool. Available only in Japan and Europe.
Thirteen characters to master
Endorphin Gauge unlocks super powerful moves
Tournament mode and sparring mode
Underground arena game mode complete this challenge to unlock the secret boss characters
Comprehensive practice mode
Learn other characters' moves, then edit them together to create your own unbeatable custom fighter
- Arcade*secret fighter*
- Versus
- Edit Tournament (use edited Baki)*secret fighter*
- Edit moves-mode (complete your edit moves list by beating opponents)
- Training
- Edit Baki (edit your moves and create the ultimate Baki or the anime Baki)
Fighting Fury
The Fighting Fury tournament is the only venue where World Champions in all martial arts can meet and trade blows. A place where all fighters emerge to strive for victory.
Master many deadly unarmed combat techniques in order to claim victory. Create your own moves list and prove yourself the ultimate champion.
13 characters to master, each one skilled in their own fighting art. Master Street Fighting, Karate, Kenpo and more!.
Comprehensive Practice mode. Learn other characters' moves, then edit them together to create your own unbeatable custom fighter.
"Endorphin Gauge" unlocks super powerful moves.
Arcade-style Tournament mode and two player "Sparring mode" to challenge.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Martial Arts theme.