Using a modified version of the Dynasty Warriors 3 engine, Mystic Heroes is an action game based on the Japanese anime Houshin Engi. As lead character Taikoubou, players embark on a noble quest to cleanse the world of evil spirits to protect Earth's powerless citizens. Armed with a special wand, Taikoubou must systematically confront each evil spirit in eight distinct regions before being released from his duty.
During the journey he will venture through various towns, outdoor areas, and castles on his way to challenging the bosses in each level. Four different spells and various magic items can also be acquired for battle, and the 3D terrain can be used for strategic purposes while attacking. Taikoubou will interact with multiple characters from the 26-episode anime series, some of whom will join in the epic fight.
Mystic Heroes was originally released for the Nintendo GameCube, but the PS2 version has some exclusive elements (four characters to be unlocked, a new mission, free modes, and increased spell levels) and uses a modified version of the Dynasty Warriors 3 engine. The title is based on the Japanese anime Houshin Engi.
* Defeat your enemies with powerful rune attacks! There are four types of mystic attacks, each of which has its own advantages. Build up enough experience and you will level-up, allowing the use of stronger and more effective spells.
* Collect runes along the way that increase the power of your attacks! There are over 70 runes, collected in the story mode and Survival mode.
* Enemies and allies fill the incredible battle scenes! The battlefield which shows over 300 square metres at any one time, displays characters entangles in combat. Consisting of plains, mountains and even labyrinths, you’ll need to vary your gameplay tactics to win.
* Defeat the boss! There is a big boss waiting at the end of each stage, meaning the characters must pace themselves and be smart in their attacks if they wish to survive to fight another day.
In a world thought to have existed only in legend, four brave Mystics rise against the shadow of darkness that has engulfed the land.
Exclusive to the Playstation 2
- 4 Unlockable Characters!
- New Mission and Free Modes!
- Increased Spell Levels!
- Intense battles with monsters of legendary proportions!
- 4 playable characters each with their own unique abilities and perspective on the story!
- 4 types of Spell Attacks, including Elemental spells drawing from the power of Fire, Ice, Wind, and Lightning!
- Discover over 70 runes, each enabling a unique set of spells!
- 1-4 Player Action, including 7 different Co-op and Versus Modes!
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Ancient china theme.