Space Raiders, known as Space Invaders - Invasion Day in Europe, is a 2002 update to the original 1978 Space Invaders arcade game from its creators. Re-imagined for the sixth generation home consoles, Space Raiders takes the surface-to-air shooting action of the original title and puts it into a third-person urban street setting on the GameCube and PlayStation 2 (the latter only in Japan and Europe). This update features detailed opening cinematics of the alien invasion, story and survival modes, boss battles and three playable characters, each with their own backstory.
Based on the Taito series that for many came to define video gaming at the dawn of the industry, this Empire Interactive release celebrates the 25th anniversary of the original Space Invaders arcade game. Many different coin-op variations of the fixed-screen shooter were developed in the wake of the first Space Invaders' success, and emulations of nine of them are featured in this compilation. Included are recreations of the Upright Color versions of both the original Space Invaders and Space Invaders Part II, the Cellophane, Monochrome, Color, and Part II tabletop editions, and the 3D Mode, Versus Mode, and Doubles Mode versions of the game.
The playable characters include Justin (street teen), Ashley (fashion photographer) and Naji (police officer), and while they look different, all three play similarly. From a fixed height behind the character the player directs them to shoot at increasingly large waves of various aliens as they march down the street toward the character's position. Characters can move side-to-side as in the original arcade game, but also have limited movement both into and away from the screen.
A teenager who lost his friends to the space invaders. A camera woman searching for her missing boyfriend. A police officer whose partner was killed in action. Three characters, sworn to revenge their loss, must confront a daunting enemy...
- Join the drama! Can you save Earth from the invaders?
2-player action! Divide and conquer!
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- SCIFI & Futuristic themes.