Based on Britain's popular computer animated series, airing in the United States on the Cartoon Network, Sitting Ducks for PlayStation 2 has players controlling an affable duck named Bill and his sidekick friend Aldo, who just so happens to be an alligator. Played from a third-person perspective, the game has players journeying throughout a 3D re-creation of DuckTown, where the duo will meet up with such familiar characters as Ed, Oly, and Waddle, hitch a ride on a scooter, and perform various other task-oriented activities to help out friends in need.
This mission-based game is primarily aimed at children. The player explores a large city and its surroundings, guiding Bill and Aldo through more than twenty missions, which are mainly composed of mini-games. Progressing through the game, the heroes will be able to get different modes of travel including skateboards and scooters. The game environment includes side missions and interactive areas such as a soccer field, swimming pool, skating arena, hockey rink and more.
Explore Ducktown by engaging in over 50 unique missions
Based on the hit British cartoon
Play as Bill or Aldo
Welcome to Ducktown, where life is good, food's a plenty, and alligators are lurking in neighboring Swampwood.
One bird stands out from the flock - Bill. Well-liked, but seldom understood, Bill waddles to a different beat. Bill's best friend is Aldo, a lumbering bull-in-a-china-shop alligator. This unlikely friendship between creatures on opposite ends of the food chain sets the scene for unique challenges... and a lot of fun.
More than 50 totally different main missions!
Play as Bill the Duck and Aldo the Alligator.
Colorful and detailed graphics: the TV series in real time!
Many surprises to discover: ice-skating, soccer game, water polo, etc.
Multi-player modes: race and challenge your friends.
High End Engine - Allowing crowds of ducks with their own individual personality simultaneously on screen.
The largest freedom of movement ever offered in a kids game!
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Fantasy & Humour themes.