Known as Drag-On Dragoon in Japan, Drakengard is an action role-playing title that borrows gameplay elements from such titles as Panzer Dragoon and Dynasty Warriors.
Drakengard follows the story of a kingdomless prince named Caim who fights for the Union against the Empire. Under the Union's protection are the Hierarchs and the Goddess, currently Caim's sister Furiae, who is a human manifestation of one of the four seals that protect the world from being broken. As the game begins, Cain is fatally wounded in a battle with the Empire. Encountering a captured Red Dragon who is also near death, Caim makes a fateful choice. In exchange for both their lives, the Red Dragon and Caim will enter a pact. This pact will forever chain their lives to one another and link their souls, at the cost of something irreplaceable. Recharged with the fires of a Dragon, Caim's vengeance burns over the enemy...
Following the rescue of his sister, Kyme begins a quest to discover how the Empire has become so powerful. Drakengard battles are fought in one of three modes of play: Dogfight Mode, Strafe Mode, and Melee Mode. Dogfight Mode features air-to-air battles as players ride on the back of the red dragon. Strafe Mode includes air-to-ground battles in which players ride the red dragon while attempting to wipe out enemy armies. Melee Mode places Kyme on foot, where he wields a variety of weapons while fighting hundreds of soldiers.
Throughout their adventure Kyme and the red dragon will gain experience. Kyme will learn more combination attacks, magical attacks, and gain more strength as his weapons also increase in experience. The red dragon's experience will improve its agility, strengthen its fire breathing attacks, and even change its physical appearance.
Levels that have been visited before might become "Expedition Missions" which are optional and contain new objectives, enemies and weapons. Additionally, any level previously played in the storyline may be revisited at any time. Depending on Caim's choices (and prerequisites for those choices), there are five different endings to Drakengard.
* Fight hundreds of soldiers with a variety of weapons in Melee Mode
* Ride dragons into fierce airborne battles in Dogfight Mode
* Take out whole armies from the air in Strafe Mode
Rain destruction on your foes from the back of a flying, fire-breathing dragon. Dogfight airborne enemies within massive environments or dive lower to crush and burn armies on the ground.
Lay waste to armies with the might of your steel and magic. Wield an arsenal of deadly weapons and control a band of allies with formidable skills.
- Third person perspective.
- 3D graphics
- Cartoon graphics
- Medieval Fantasy theme.